S916 Independent Lat Pulldown

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This product builds strength in the latissimus dorsi and arm muscles. The exercise is performed along a guided trajectory and involves pulling the arms downwards. Resistance is provided by a weight stack which enables the workload to be adjusted to suit each type of user.


Полное описание

  • Pivoting flex handles reduce wrist stress and help prevent injury
  • Biomechanically correct diverging motion
  • Gas-assisted seat adjustment and adjustable thigh pads accommodate users of different sizes
  • 2:1 ratio (1 hand) and 1:1 ratio (2 hands)
  • Cold rolled steel weight stacks with noise dampening
  • Stainless steel guide rods resist rust and stay smooth
  • Kevlar belts for quiet, smooth action and optimal tensile strength; belt contains 2200 lb (998 kg) tensile strength aircraft cables
  • Marine-grade double stitched upholstery
  • Heavy-duty European-styled cushions